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Linked lists

Started by Parker, November 16, 2005, 06:13:04 PM

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Yay, now we have linked lists :)

It's similar to the implementation in IB for anyone who came from there, but there are also ListGetPrev and ListGetLast functions.

Here are the functions: (LinkedListFunctions.inc) // declarations for the _new, _renew, and _delete functions
declare import, GlobalAlloc(flags as unsigned int, size as unsigned int),unsigned int;
declare import, GlobalReAlloc(hMem as unsigned int, nBytes as unsigned int, uFlags as unsigned int),unsigned int;
declare import, GlobalFree(memory as unsigned int),unsigned int;

// helper, since there's no NEW and DELETE

sub _new(size as unsigned int),unsigned int
return GlobalAlloc(0x40, size);

sub _renew(mem as unsigned int, size as unsigned int, zeromem=0 as int),unsigned int
return GlobalReAlloc(mem, size, (zeromem * 0x40));

sub _delete(ptr as unsigned int),unsigned int
return GlobalFree(ptr);

// the size of various types
#define SIZE_BYTE 1
#define SIZE_WORD 2
#define SIZE_SHORT 2
#define SIZE_INT 4
#define SIZE_INT64 8
#define SIZE_FLOAT 4
#define SIZE_DOUBLE 8

struct listnode {
pointer pData;
listnode *pNext;
listnode *pPrev;

// Linked List implementation, like the one in IB

sub ListCreate(),pointer
listnode *pTemp;
pTemp = _new(len(listnode));
// _new automatically zeroes memory.

return pTemp;


sub ListAdd(listnode *list, pointer item),pointer
listnode *pTemp;

if (list = 0) return item;

pTemp = ListGetLast(list);

*pTemp.pNext = _new(len(listnode));
*pTemp.*pNext.pPrev = pTemp;
*pTemp.*pNext.pData = item;

return item;

sub ListAddHead(listnode *list, pointer item),pointer
listnode *pTemp;

if (list = 0) return item;

pTemp = *list.pNext;
*list.pNext = _new(len(listnode));

*list.*pNext.pPrev = list;
*list.*pNext.pData = item;
*list.*pNext.pNext = pTemp;

if (pTemp <> 0)
*pTemp.pPrev = *list.pNext;

return item;


sub ListGetFirst(listnode *list),pointer
if (list = 0) return 0;

return *list.pNext;

sub ListGetLast(listnode *list),pointer
listnode *pTemp;

if (list = 0) return 0;

pTemp = list;
while (*pTemp.pNext <> 0)
pTemp = *pTemp.pNext;

return pTemp;


sub ListGetNext(listnode *list),pointer
if (list = 0) return 0;

return *list.pNext;

sub ListGetPrev(listnode *list),pointer
// can't do anything to a null list
if (list = 0) return 0;
// this is needed for below
if (*list.pPrev = 0) return 0;
// since the list starts with a null node (pPrev and pData = 0),
// the first should be the one right after the real first.
if (*list.*pPrev.pPrev = 0) return 0;

return *list.pPrev;


sub ListGetData(listnode *list),pointer
if (list = 0) return 0;

return *list.pData;


sub ListRemove(listnode *list, opt int bDelete = 0),pointer
listnode *pPrev;
listnode *pNext;

if (list = 0) return 0;

pPrev = *list.pPrev;
pNext = *list.pNext;

if ((*list.pData <> 0) and (bDelete <> 0)) _delete(*list.pData);


if (pPrev <> 0)
*pPrev.pNext = pNext;
if (pNext <> 0)
*pNext.pPrev = pPrev;

return pNext;

sub ListRemoveAll(listnode *list, opt int bDelete = 0)
listnode *node;

if (list = 0) return 0;

for (node = ListGetFirst(list); node <> 0; node = ListRemove(node))
if (bDelete) _delete(*node.pData);


And here's an example that also shows how you can do a FOR EACH loop using the C-style FOR.

#include "LinkedListFunctions.inc"

global sub main()
pointer ll;
int *item;
ll = ListCreate();
item = ListAddHead(ll, _new(SIZE_INT));
*item = 1;
item = ListAddHead(ll, _new(SIZE_INT));
*item = 2;
item = ListAddHead(ll, _new(SIZE_INT));
*item = 3;

pointer node;
for (node = ListGetFirst(ll); node <> 0; node = ListGetNext(node))
item = ListGetData(node);

while (GetKey() = "");
return 0;


Worked for me once I put the include file in the right folder!



I put the include in my 'includes' folder. Are there problems with storing it in the folder where the source code is?


Well, I actually put it at first in the aurora\bin folder, because that's where the others were

Works fine if you put it in the aurora\include folder. Didn't try the source folder



I believe the 'bin' directory is strictly for Paul's includes that are required to build, but there will be no extra command paks, etc.

Ionic Wind Support Team

For include files it either has to be in the 'include' directory, your source files directory, or you need to specify a path.

#include "c:\myincludes\blah.inc"

Paths can be relative to your source directory as well

#include "..\inc\blah.inc"

Ionic Wind Support Team