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Schedule window

Started by JoaoAfonso, May 15, 2008, 04:48:10 AM

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Good evening.

I am in need of create a schedule looking window/dialog. At minimum it should show one week, each day should be divided into 10 periods of one hour each. It must show some information and when clicked, or other option, it should open another window with detailed information.

I did this in a window by creating 7x10 tables or 7x10 buttons with the short info written there, and when clicked (button or column index), then opened the second window. This works but I feel that there is an easier solution and easier to implement than this one, and also much prolly with a better looking.

Does someone have any tip for this?

Thanks in advance
JoÃÆ'ƒÂÃ,£o Afonso
Iberia MUD


So you wannt 70 diferent strings.
Maybe create 7 pictures and use mauseover efect
then when is mause over first picture you click with right mause
button to open contextmenu with 10 items then when you
select one item this item call sub where is your string(istring)
maby is good idea....


Here's information on a grid control you can buy that can be made to do what you want.


Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Seems a very good dll, very powerful, but does not fit for what I need, unfortunately, because seems very easy to code those tables using that dll. I will try it but I guess I know already it doesn't fit.

I believe the 70 tables is the better solution, because in any of those 70 tables I may need to add like 90 columns (just one will be shown, but I need to create those columns). I guess there is no easy way to do it, so I might just need to give a better look to that window. Anyway, I checked Outlook calendar and it doesnt seems much pretty anyway :)

Thank you for the tips
JoÃÆ'ƒÂÃ,£o Afonso
Iberia MUD


i would try something similiar but in CB.