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A Little Help

Started by Zen, November 27, 2006, 03:00:51 AM

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Ionic Wind Support Team

I think the cavemen are cool.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Mmmmmmm - If they had no hair on the head and a grey beard - Mmmmmmmm.
I resemble that remark.


he he sorry to rub it in Rod. Its strange, I don't know why, perhaps because not many of us on this forum have real pictures of themselves, I don't imagine people being older, I sort of just imagine everyone being of a simmilar age group to myself. But, I don't think the age matters anyway.


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

maybe not age group, probably more like same mental group :)


:o Are you saying I am immature Jonathan ;)


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

 ;D No, I am calling you mentalÂÃ,  :P

sorry got a little off topic ...


For the benefit of those living outside the USA, the "cavemen" previously referenced are characters in a series of television advertisements here. The first in the series claimed that an insurance company's website was so easy "even a caveman could use it". The scene cuts to a fancy restaurant, where the insurance company's lawyers are treating a couple of cavemen to lunch, and expalining "We really meant no offense! To be honest, we didn't think you guy's existed anymore."

The series has continued with other encounters between the highly-insulted cavement (who wear suits, catch flights, and use Blackberrys) and the insurance company's representatives.

The latest has the most outspoken of the cavemen in session with a therapist. He asks her "How would you like it if the commercial said "So easy a therapist could use it"?".

It is a very funny and very creative series of commercials here. Hopefully, it will make the "Best of ..." specials in other parts of the world.