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What is a dword?

Started by Vikki, November 30, 2006, 12:09:44 PM

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I've got all my errors solved but I may have miss converted the wparam and lparam of SendMessage.

What is the Aurora equivalent of a dword?  ??? I used int but maybe it should be unsigned int?

Bruce Peaslee

This is how I declare it:

declare import,SendMessage alias SendMessageA(
hwnd as unsigned int, // handle to receiving window
uMsg as unsigned int, // the message
wParam as unsigned int,       // additional info depending on message
lParam as unsigned int         // additional info depending on message
), unsigned int;   // result depending on message

Bruce Peaslee
"Born too loose."
iTired (There's a nap for that.)
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles



A DWORD is an unsigned int.

If you get confused with Window's types (and i think we all do at some stage) you can use these handy typedefs:


Basically, you include the file presented in the thread above and declare the Win32API commands as you see them on MSDN.com. So for example your code would be:

#include "WindowsTypes.inc"

declare import, SendMessage alias SendMessageA(
HWND hWnd,
WPARAM wParam,

To implement your 'SendMessage' function:


Thanks Kale!  :)

Got the file in my include folder now. Your work is much appreciated.