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Screen recording software?

Started by J B Wood (Zumwalt), October 04, 2006, 05:31:24 PM

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J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Any recomendations for screen recording software?
I have in game recording software and video compressors.


I just ran across this free one and the quality is amazing. There is a very nice lossless codec you can get for it also that is free. I was just blown away by it, simple, but powerful.
I will use it to make tutorials for my site someday so I was looking and that is how I found it.

Save to avi using the lossless codec and a screen resolution of 800x600, you will be amazed.

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Thanks :) I'll take a close look at this tomorrow :)


I forgot to say you can run your monitor at a higher resolution and just setup an 800x600 region of the screen to capture too. This way you can setup multiple apps and switch faster than just by using the task menu. Your welcome and I hope you like it Z.


That looks like a good piece of software, it could come in useful someday. Thanks.


I use SNAGIT from Techsmith. Even that it doesn't mention it, it can record audio too. You can't beat it for that price.


It will be neat when we start seeing how to code in Aurora video tutorials and coding concepts in Aurora, DirectX etc. I find I learn by watching Video Tutorials the best, then by going through written tutorials with real samples instead of just theory. Nothing like seeing well thought number values instead of a generic variable in a formula and how that formula is translated into code in that language. Like a picture is worth a thousand words, those kind of quick simple tutorials are the equivalent to me.

For all my future projects I plan on making video tutorials on how to use them, so it will be fun. Can't wait to see what you guys do!!

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

I have added a mpg video of the first tank demo that matches the first screenshot, I will add more video's this weekend with your Kryton Droid :) My website is getting rocking for Aurora projects, well alteast for me anyway.


Found the site and link for zumwalt's demo in case other's didn't know where it is:

You could cheat and add tanks sounds onto the video :) Going to look over the rest of your stuff Z.
Can't wait to see your other work!


I tried adding a comment, but it didn't seem to take, I hadn't registered, but it took me to the page to fill out and submit and I did submit a comment.
Never heard of that BBS, system, but again... I don't know too many of them either :)

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

You have to be registered to actually post. I have a problem with spammers trying to fill my board with anonymous porn.
They refuse to register because I snap there IP.
I plan on posting tons of stuff up there over the course of the next month or so.
Why not register?


I will just wanted to test out your system and to let you know what happened without registering and how far I got, so you would know :)

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Cool, I just changed a few settings on it, should no longer require me to review the comments before they post on the news section. I left you like half a dozen PM's on there. Hope to see more people join the site, I'll be doing alot of stuff with it as far as posting and files in the coming weeks. I just got the bugger stablized. Its not as busy as Pauls site here is, not for posts anyway. I want to bug Paul into making himself an RSS feed file so that I can place it on my site for dev changes and such :)


Sorry, was reading up on Blender.

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

By the way, here is what I am using for video compression:

TMPGEnc is a good compression utility for being free, and all I care about is mpeg1 anyway, if you want mpeg2 you have to buy the product to get a full license, the free license has limitations including compression technology.

I use FRAPS for the video recording in game.

Now, fraps doesn't have time to compress, so make sure you have alot of room to record to, then use TMPGEnc to compress what you have recorded. The tank mpg video is 160 megs before compression and 5 megs after.