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Something strange about IWB+ and IWBasic

Started by markem, June 01, 2017, 09:16:53 AM

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I was trying to write a small program yesterday (getting my feet wet and all) and I brought up IWB+ used it for a while (learning) exited out of it and got into iWBasic itself. IWBasic began acting a bit weird. Very slow. Well, I got up this morning and was looking at my CPU usage. It was 100%. So I brought up Task Manager and both IWB+ and IWBasic were using 50% of the CPU. Only - I had gotten out of both.

Was this just a fluke?


I've never had it happen in all the years I've worked on/with both. :o
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


June 01, 2017, 11:46:16 PM #2 Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 11:50:31 PM by Andy
The only time I've seen it is when I have forgotten to put in an OPENCONSOLE line first and the program is running in a loop waiting for me to press any key to end.

On my PC, the IWB editor sits there at around zero or maybe 1 percent.

Only when I compile does it jump to say 70 percent (but only until the compile is complete).

And then it's your program using the CPU not IWB which goes back down to zero / one percent.
Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.



I once saw something similar on a friends pc around 15 years ago. His pc suddenly became rather slow, and the harddisk was working almost continuosly.
The Task Manager reported that MS Access was using 100% CPU time, even before the program was started.
He was running a Dog and Cat Pension, and Norton Antivirus, MS Access and MS Outlook were the only programs installed on that particular pc.

Running one of those "cleaning up" programs from a floppy revealed that he had got some nasty trojan scripts into his system. So the Norton package had been wasted money.

We used most of a day to clean up his computer. After that, things were back to normal. So I recommend you download the free versions of JRT, CClelaner and Malwarebytes and do a good cleanup of your pc. And when done, defragment your harddisk.
This may not fully rectify your problems with CPU usage, but will do your pc good.

Good Luck!

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


@Egil: I use Avira and Hitman Pro and SuperAntiSpyware. Hitman Pro is a cloud based antivirus so it works with Avira. I'm not worried about viruses.

This is probably another of those Twilight Zone things. It happens to me quite a bit even though my system runs really nicely 99% of the time. I just seem to hit those weird but true areas.

For instance, every now and then my system will run slow. It turns out Avira now has a real time scanner that tries to guess when it can scan a file. If the file is small you don't notice it but if the file is large your system comes to a stand still until the scan is through. So far - this is 100% why my system slows down. I keep the System Task Manager running all of the time so I can pop it up to look and every time it has been the avscan program that is hogging the system.

@Andy: I was still running examples and there were a couple of times no console came up or window. So maybe that was it. They were sitting there waiting for input from me.


June 02, 2017, 07:58:35 AM #5 Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 10:41:44 AM by Andy

Get Malwarebytes as well (the free version), you'll be surprised what Avira can let through.

Almost everything I write Avira marks it as a virus!

Anyway, if you are happy with it, keep it, but I do have to tell you I've had to clean so so many machines because avira has let them get past, many more than other anti virus programs, just a friendly word of warning.

On my PC I have, Avast, Superantispyware and Malwarebytes and never had any problems, indeed when I clean other peoples machines these are part of the solution.

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


@Andy:  Well, I've had just the opposite (although I do also have Malwarebytes - I just don't use it much). Over ten years ago I used to use BitDefender. I had already gone through AVG, Avast, PC Trend's antivirus, and a few others. We were attacked by some kind of really nasty virus that was so nasty - the moment you took a drive, put it into an external USB drive case to try to get rid of the virus - it would jump to your hard drive. Even in safe mode. After four computers became corrupted I had no idea what to do. So I researched online at work and found Avira was one of the few that might be able to help. So I bought it. When I ran the CD it detected the virus and a war on the first system took place with the virus trying to kill Avira and Avira trying to kill the virus. After more than half an hour of windows popping up a single window came up and Avira said "The virus X has been removed from this system.". I have been with Avira ever since.

So you can use AVAST - but I use Avira. I have Hitman Pro because sometimes it is faster on the updates and it will find something that later in the day Avira is updated for.

If you haven't looked at it - you should look at www.avcomparatives.org. They test many of the antivirus programs and AVAST has always come in worse than Avira.

One of the things to note about Avira is that AS IT IS INSTALLED it will not find most of the viruses. Why they don't set it to the high level scans I have no idea but you have to go through and modify Avira so it is scanning for everything. That may be why it did not work all that well for you.

What can I say? I have used Avira for years now and do not have any viruses on my system. I run other antivirus programs on my systems about once a year just to see if they find anything and none of them do.



All I can say is that you seem very happy with Avira, so that's where you should stay.  Anti virus programs are like cars, everyone has their own preference.

Anyway, it's always nice to see a new member, just post as many questions as you like, we are all here to help.

Let us know if that cpu % goes crazy again.
Andy. :)

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


@Andy : I may try the example programs again and see if I can find the ones that are console programs but aren't putting up a console window. Unfortunately, my right foot is still having a lot of problems. Today the boot I am wearing actually tore the bandage off of it and then tore off the scab making it bleed like crazy. Took off the sock, bandage, scab, cleaned it, put antibiotic cream on it, new bandage,and new sock. Spent the last six hours in massive paid but it is stopped giving me stabbing pains.

I'm trying to find someone who can take care of our cats and dog while I go to Ben Taub (free hospital) and see if I can get help with my foot. So far - no one. :-( Hoping to find someone soon. :-)