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Linker / Program still running

Started by Kanati, September 29, 2009, 04:52:19 PM

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I've barely begun to mess with emergence, but I've ran into a couple of issues... 

a)  debugger is a bit flaky.  It doesn't single step all that well.  A program that runs fine without a STOP will flat out fail sometimes at random locations in single step mode (asteroids in the samples is a good example of this) for one thing.  Other times you can make changes and it will recompile but evidently there's a debug file somewhere that has a lookup table of some sort and it will appear that single stepping is one spot when the program is actually running at a different location. 

b)  again I'll use the asteroids program as an example but it appears to happen with any program I compile...  The program should end, but for whatever reason, it's still running.  It doesn't show up on the task bar but it does show up in the task manager under processes (asteroids.exe *32)  was running 7 times for me once and I made a few changes to the code and went to compile it and the linker failed because it couldn't access the file.  Not being my first rodeo I figured the exe was running somewhere but I didn't expect to see it listed 7 times (note that I'm sure I did run it that many times, I just didn't think it was still running).  It appears that no matter how I end a program run from the IDE, it continues to run in the background.  It also ONLY appears to happen if I run the program from the IDE.  The only way to free up the resources and kill the processes is to close the IDE.  Soon as I do that all running instances of the program I had loaded are killed.

The first thing with the debugger...  not that big of a deal.  The second though...  That's a real kick in the ass.  Any ideas on what's going on there?   I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate RTM, 8 gig ram, 3ghz intel quad core....  I've run the ide normally and as administrator so I don't think it's a permissions issue.


Oh...  one thing I forgot to mention...   You cannot kill the processes in task manager.  Not by ending task...  not even by ending task tree.  That's a new one on me too.  Never been unable to kill a process like that before.  Killing the process tree SHOULD kill the ide as well if it's tied to the process, which evidently it is if killing the ide kills all instances of the program as well.


September 29, 2009, 05:29:25 PM #2 Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 07:20:52 PM by Larry McCaughn
Paul will probably have more to say when he gets on.

All I can offer is the only time I've have trouble killing a programming and or had multiple instances of it running in task manager is when I was running a program in debug mode and closed the program without closing the debugger.
from the IDE menu bar Build/Debug/Stop

If you don't close properly then my experience has been all bets are off after that.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library

Ionic Wind Support Team

Sorry,  Have never seen your b) before.  Works fine on XP and Vista.

You by chance running a 64 bit version of the os?  If so then that is probably the problem as the debugger has issues with 64 bit Vista as well.  But what do you expect from a Microsoft written debugging DLL that was produced long before 7 was even a glimmer ;)

Ionic Wind Support Team


I did forget to mention that it is 64 bit.  So basically...   I gotta live with killing the ide most likely.  Though I will try the stopping the program from the debug menu as well.  But I did use the little stop button on the toolbar without success. 

And I think I tried it without compiling for debug as well...  But I can't verify that without trying it again.

Regardless...  I'll give it a shot.


personally, I have never once used debug mode... maybe Im missing out on something... but when I'm debugging my code, I just drop in a messagebox where ever I need to spy on variables.... i just write out whatever variables I need to the messagebox window....  occasionally I will write out variables to a console window... but usually its a messagebox...