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Started by Parker, February 15, 2006, 02:56:23 PM

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Something that's been on my todo list for quite a while is writing some piping functionality for the CCL.

There are a couple of ways to accomplish it. I don't want to write OpenPipe, ClosePipe, ... functions to just wrap the API like I did with threading because more can be done. So it's going to be in some sort of class. But I need to know what everyone would like.

a) PipedProcess class - use it to create a process with a hidden window and pipes its output to your program. I think this would be the most useful. Also, a NamedPipe class can come a little later.
b) A generic Pipe class - it would have functions like OpenProcess, OpenNamedPipe, and automatically close them in the constructor (so would above). But this method seems kind of odd to me, since named pipes and redirection pipes aren't all that similar.

Or does anyone have another idea?