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Will pay for programming help

Started by aeon, February 05, 2007, 04:22:33 PM

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I wonder if anyone out there would be interested in providing Aurora help with a small project for the princely sum of $100?

I am looking for someone to take an iBasic classic app I have and recreate it in Aurora with a couple of enhancements, the most notable being to make it 'skinnable'.

The app is a small sizeable web browser

  • No standard Windows controls
  • Quit on key combination or command line switch (not Alt+F4 hopefully though this would not matter too much)
  • Support for skins (hopefully via simple to create include files)
  • toolbar with:
    • Toggle 'window on top' on / off
    • Resize / position browser toggle (small / big)
    • 'Back' button
    • 'Home' button

I currently using an iBasic version of this app for teaching, as it is a useful way of providing notes that stay on kids screens to guide them as they are doing various tasks.

I am also hoping to get some additional features either done or underway for the money but this may be expecting too much...

  • Text messaging (join chatroom & private messages)

  • 'Follow me' web browsing (one person at a time in a chat can make other users browsers display a specified URL)

Let me know if this is of any interest - perhaps it ties in with something you are already working on?


Whilst I know this is not the most lucrative proposal ever, I notice that it has been met thus far with a resounding silence, and wonder why? Is it because it is uninteresting? Becaue this is not the best way of doing it (there are browser builders out there and toolkits)? or something else? Any comments appreciated!


I had the same response when I offered to pay for a programming job. I was even going to have the resulting source published on the forums. It was the last piece to a project, and I ended up having to port the project to vb to complete it :(

Unfortunately, I do not know IB well enough to help. I really wish you luck!!
Love is staying up all night with a sick child, or a healthy adult.


I don't have any programming experience at all in those areas.  Sorry.
Software For Metalworking

Ionic Wind Support Team

And I have too many projects at the moment to be taking on any more.  Offer it to Parker, he might be able to do it.

Ionic Wind Support Team


I happen to have spring break in a week. I'll look into this and let you know what I can do.

No standard Windows controls - so this means that there's no edit control to specify the URL right? I assume the teacher will have to specify what website the students visit.

Quit on key combination or command line switch (not Alt+F4 hopefully though this would not matter too much) - I'm a little unclear on this. Do you mean that you won't be able to close it with Alt+F4? Other key combinations are easy to add with Aurora.

Support for skins (hopefully via simple to create include files) - It's easy to add skins when the window isn't resizable. For sizable windows it will be harder, but I'll see what I can do.

toolbar with: ...
- window on top is just a single API call I think.
- resize big/small browser - from the look of this feature, it looks like you only need two sizes in which case skins would be easy given that a skin creator will make two sizes of the same skin image.
- Back and home button - these are just a single function call in Aurora. You'll probably want a refresh, forward, and stop too.

Additional features
- Text messaging (join chatroom & private messages) - I should be able to work something out. I just did some network programming in Java recently, so it shouldn't be too hard with Aurora (though I'll need to familiarize myself with the interface). Maybe some network classes will come out of it.
- 'Follow me' web browsing (one person at a time in a chat can make other users browsers display a specified URL) - that's the plan. Is this for only the teacher/supervisor to specify, or for anyone? Maybe a system of allowing the teacher to force a specific URL but peers to recommend one? Though allowing peers to change it would go against not having an edit box to change it.

I will probably be busy this week, but next week (and weekend) I won't be.


Hi Parker - glad you might be able to help!

Re a 'home' page URL: It should be possible to start the app up with a specified URL. Either this could be provided via an include file read in, or a switch (parameter) or perhaps a simple dialog which can be run before launching the app. Whatever seems neat. The idea is that once they have been given the appropriate start page kids can only follow links from it rather than type in any old URL. If the 'follow me' was added on then obviously it would need to be possible for a teacher to send all clients to a URL. Ideally the kids could join a 'chat room' and send URLs to each other too. Happy to stick with basics to start out.

Re quit. Not Alt + F4. Something else that is slightly obscure. Perhaps Esc + F4? Perhaps for teachers who really, really do not want kids to close it down even this could be disabled when it is run so it only quits on windows exit?

Re skin - Though there are two 'standard' sizes it would be useful to be able to drag by a corner. I realise this is tricky with a skin, but have in mind a design that would allow the H and V edges to 'stretch' from a given point. - Are there animation effects on skins when changing size etc?

When you are ready to think about this a bit more I could send you the plain version I use at present with some example content so you can get the gist.


March 14, 2007, 06:32:10 PM #7 Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 06:50:05 PM by David Coker
I have a few questions...
A.) Is there a common server location that the instructor (you, I suppose?) can send/write a text file to
and also that each browser application can access when the program is launched?

B.) What are the current "standard" sizes and is there a maximum size?

C.) Can you post a pic showing the current version that you are using and/or the proposed skins that you will require?



Hi David, sorry for being slow getting back to you. I have not been checking the forums as much as I should!

Parker is working on this. As it's a small project unless you are really keen because it in some way relates to an area of particular interest, or work you are doing anyway, I suspect it may be best to get an initial release and then take stock.


Though I am mostly busy during the week and can only work a little on weekends, I have fully functional client/server classes in Aurora. The server uses my ArrayList and can accept any number of clients. This will be used for chatting and teacher control. Right now I'm working on GUI using the teacher to control the student.