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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!

Christmas 2012

Started by GWS, December 11, 2012, 09:11:09 PM

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Hi folks,

Another Christmas arrives .. I hope everyone has a lovely time with their families  :)

Here's my little offering to set the mood.

A typical winter scene, snow, music .. that sort of thing .. cold but pretty, with many memories as the years go by.

This program uses depth for the snowflakes - a foreground layer, middle ground and background - all landing at different positions.  :P

I really must try out the 3D facilites of Creative - a whole new area which few have explored.
So much to do ..  ::)

Best wishes, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Very, very nice Graham!

Best that I can remember, since the very first year we became acquainted, you've always done these nice digital Christmas cards using Creative and it's predecessors and I sincerely thank you for them!

It's stuff like this that makes me wish I had your math skills...  :-[  ::) :-\  :'(

Very impressive.



How kind of you to say so Doc ..  :)

It's this lovely little programming tool that encourages me on - since my poor wife had to go into a nursing home, much of my enthusiasm for anything has gone.  Still, on we go ..

all the best,

Graham :)
Tomorrow may be too late ..


Another beautiful card; really enjoyed seeing this one, especially the way the light plays behind the trees!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Graham,  and thank you so much for helping me with my initiation into Direct X programming, and to a better knowledge  of CB.   Only trouble is, the more one learns, the  more one realises how little one knows!

Nevertheless, it's the inspiration that encourages others.


Adrian Fox


Glad you liked it Adrian ..  :)

It takes along time to get used to any language.

It took me 30 years to become proficient in Fortran  ::) - and I look back and think, I could have done much better stuff if I'd had Creative Basic available instead. ;D

There's still a lot of fun to be had programming with these languages.

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Really nice GWS.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to everyone.



Hi... :)
My small adition...nothing special
def win:WINDOW
def x,y:INT
Window win,0,0,1024,736,@CAPTION,0,"xMas 2012",main
Setwindowcolor win,rgb(248,248,235)
SETFONT win, "Times New Roman", 36, 400,@sfitalic

for x=0 to 1024 step 28
for y = 0 to 736 step 28
  Rect win,x,y,28,28,rgb(60,60,80),rgb(60,60,100)
    Next y
next x
DRAWMODE win,@transparent
'show text on window
frontpen win,rgb(134,134,234)
Move win,100,400:PRINT win,"Merry Christmas"
def a,b:int
For a =0 to 1024 step 4
Pset win, a, b,rgb(180, 180, 200)
Next a
def c1, c2, c3 :float
def pi:float
For x=512 To 972 step 3
For y=112 To 572 step 3
c1= cos(x*y*pi/180)
c2= cos(x*y*pi/180)
c3= cos(x*y*pi/180)
Pset win, x, y,rgb(c1*200, c2*180, c3*100)

Next y
Next x

waituntil run=0
closewindow win

SUB main
select @class

case @idclosewindow



That's nice Aurel .. thank you  :)

Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


I decided to play with your version that had the 3 sprites.
In your version all three sprites used the same flake.bmp
the original flake was 20x20.
I created another that was 30x30 and another 40x40
I loaded the forground sprite with the biggest and the background with the samllest.
A the mid size in the middle.
I also played with your numbers a little to make the foreground appear to most a little more faster.
The end result is the I really need a different looking flake for the foreground.

I just got tired of working on help files and wanted to play with some code.
I like some others had never messed with 2d.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Hi Larry,

I'm honoured you're playing with it ..  :)  There are lots of numbers to tweak ::)

Hope you're enjoying the simple life in an interpreter. ;)

I'll have a go at another shaped flake - they're very small images, more like little icons, that I knock up in Microsoft Paint.  That's a very useful little program - I'm so glad MS didn't kill it off, like so many of their older 'features'.

I'll be back ..  ;D

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Ok, here's a larger 40x40 sprite with black transparency colour ..  :)

If they seem to float the same for each of the larger ones, it would be possible to use @BLTTRANSROTOZOOM so that one or two could be drawn rotated by a small angle ..

But as long as they're not displayed too large, you probably won't notice they're all the same ..  ;D

all the best, :)


Tomorrow may be too late ..


Curious. What is the latest version of Creative Basic
are all of you using?? I have 1.153.



Hi Bill,

I think you have the last production number of the 'bleeding edge' series.
Hot off the press - but relatively untested.

I'm using Version 1.01, which I think you can request from Larry.

The reason I use this, is that some issues have been discovered by users of the newer versions.
Version 1.01 has been tested for over 10 years, and contains no known bugs.

Completely reliable - which is worth a lot.

I look on it as what QB45 might have been, if it had been developed for Windows. ::)
Every bit as good as Visual Basic 5, which was a GUI system - and I prefer the hands-on simple Basic that Creative provides.

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..



Of the Ionicwind Basics, I started out with IBasic Standard 2.02D. Of coarse, it pyxia
back then. Then CBasic 1.0 RC1 in '08, 1.0 and 1.01 in '10; donated $20 for 1.153 in '10.
EBasic 1.6 thru 1.737 in '08 to '10; IWBasic 1.8 in '10.

I like CBasic. I have a program that I updated in it from the old-days. When I tried it
with IWBasic, there was many errors I haven't tried any more in ages.

Thanks for your comeback.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
