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What is Larry currently doing

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), February 02, 2010, 12:37:03 PM

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Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

January 03, 2011, 09:52:57 AM #25 Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 11:11:58 AM by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)
Ran into a problem with the comlib loader - working on it.
I have been working with Sapero on V2.
I also did some goofing off over the holidays.
This is what I did Friday (Gator Bowl Parade - that is my wife and I in the first red vette)

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

OK - getting very close to a V2 Release.
Larry Mc says I need to do lots of doc cleanup - working on that now.
Still need to build a 'what changed list'.
Commlib - have not had time to re-write the lloader.

Anyone out there good at documentation? - let me know if you want to help - send me a PM.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I am shooting for a V2 release in Feb 2011.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

mmmmmm - missed Feb but hope to release this week.
Last min. cleanup going on right now.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Just an update.
Sapero and I are porting IWBasic to MS6 compiler on a Win 7 box.
As soon as we get it to compile there - we start 64 bit Dev.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Been a bit busy with work - lots of Audits, seems they never end.

Last night I finished the installation of 64 bit Windows and upgrade to Visual Studio 2010 on the test box.
It will be ready to start on the 64 bit version today.

We now have a base dev box 32 bit VC++ 5 (XP), and the new 64 bit VC++ 10 box (Win 7).

Will keep you posted as time permits.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Lots of stuff happened this last week.
First Sapero has been cleaning the bug list for 2.0.
Second, with the advent of the new Win7 box and MS 10 compiler he
has started many upgrades.

So - here is my master plan.

The current XP box will be the backup dev box. We will build one last stable version here.
The new Win 7 will become the primary dev box.
It will contain:
    IWBasic2.1 - 2.0 re-compiled and updated to take advantage of MS 10 compiler.
    IWBasic3.0 - Sapero is implementing many changes to the compiler here. More details to come.
    IWBasic64  - The 64 bit version. Plan is for it to be done before 3.0 so it will most likely be based
                      on 2.1 with an upgrade to 3.0 when available.

This will take a bit of time to finish and I am sure you now have lots of questions.

I will post additional details as they are worked out.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

May 25, 2011, 09:07:55 AM #32 Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 12:54:11 PM by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)
Finalizing Comlib.
Output from test program


IW Serial Lib Test Program

Found comport  1 - see if it is a modem
Not a modem - line status
CTS: 0
DTR: 0
RTS: 0
DSR: 0
No Comm port  2
Found comport  3 - see if it is a modem

Not a modem - line status
CTS: 1
DTR: 0
RTS: 0
DSR: 1
No Comm port  4
Found comport  5 - see if it is a modem

Modem Response: AT

Send ATI0 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI0
LSI SoftModem Version 2.2.97

Send ATI1 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI1
Send ATI2 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI2
Send ATI3 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI3
LSI SoftModem Version 2.2.97

Send ATI4 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI4
Built on 07/21/2009 14:18:55

Send ATI5 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI5
2.2.97, HDA MB, HDA, A35 S-Rev:2 L-Rev:3, 19

Send ATI6 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI6
Send ATI7 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI7

Send ATI8 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI8
HDA, A35 S-Rev:2 L-Rev:3

Send ATI9 to modem
Modem Responds: ATI9
United States

No Comm port  6
No Comm port  7
No Comm port  8
No Comm port  9
No Comm port  10
No Comm port  11
No Comm port  12
No Comm port  13
No Comm port  14
No Comm port  15
No Comm port  16
No Comm port  17
No Comm port  18
No Comm port  19
No Comm port  20

Press Any Key To Close

This is the normal IWB version - there is also a Com class that is almost complete.
There are a few new features in this version - you can test individual com lines and open ports up to 6553.

Release will be as soon as I can get all the files packaged - this week.
There may be updates but once you buy you get them free.

Watch for more information.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Well - Sapero and I have been doing lots behind the curtain.
We have moved the development to a 64 bit box running Win 7 and MS 10 C compiler.
This has opened new opportunities and uncovered some unwanted features.
The existing IDE does not play well on this platform so Sapero is building a new one.
There have been many internal improvements as well.

This is what we are currently working on and it will be release 3.0 since so much is changing.

Depending on the integration of the new IDE we could see the new release and possibly the 64 bit
version by the Fall.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Just an update on the new cp and delivery method.
I am getting closer - just need to get work and life out of my way for a day or so.

I will make an announcement here withing the next 2 weeks.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Sorry for not updating sooner.
Life, work, and krap keep getting in the way.

At this time I think Sapero has all the bugs out of IWB.
I am almost finished with the new delivery system.



I had a telephone conversation with LarryS yesterday.  One of the things we talked about was the new way new purchases and downloads will be handled.

I, like others I'm sure, was curious why it was taking so long to get the new scheme in place.  After our talk I understand why.

The new process will be totally automated.  No more waiting for someone to read the paypal purchase notification and then sending a email with a download link.  That will happen automatically as I understand it.

Also, as I understand it, the purchaser will have a web page they can go to at any time in the future to see a list of items they have purchased in the past with the links so they can download the latest of that purchase at any time.

Now, don't start asking for any additional details at this time.  Wait till LarryS finishes it and rolls it out.  At that time he can answer any questions that may arise.

The bottom line is that this should get rid of all the past copy protection issues and concerns.  It will also get rid of delays currently caused by weekends, business trips, business meetings, etc.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Had a bit of an issue here this weekend - Lightning strike near the house.

After smoke settled - 2 power strips, my 8 port KVM, and 2 computers killed.

I have a whole house surge protector and individual surge protectors on each box. Guess they do not
protect well when you get a ground return.

Anyway all but one computer is back up - had to order a new MB for the other one.
The one that is still down is where my email (larry@rockridgefarm.com) lives.

New KVM and MB will be here next week.

This caused me a bit of delay getting the new delivery system up - all the code lives on the box with the bad MB - typical.

I recovered from back up to another box I had here but it is dirt slow and XP - anyway - still moving forward just a bit slower ( don't say it - I am slow already).


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Hving finished the customer interface - I am going to now check to make sure
all issues with IWB have been addressed - except for the () problem I think they
are all fixed in the latest release.

I want to spend some time on Cbasic as I told Graham I would look into some
enhancements for CB.

I am also working on a new IDE for IW products - once this is done the 64 bit
version can be released.

Let me know if you have suggestions.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

There is a new BETA version available.
It will be on your customer page if you requested to be a beta tester.
If you test please send me feed back.

It fixes the scroll issue reported by Larry Mc and the iwbstd.incc file.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Been a real busy year here.
Work has kept me tied up constantly. New project and they want me to implement
and document before I retire - getting close - wife says one more year or so and we
can retire - she wants me to wait till she is 62 so both can draw SSI if it is still there
after Oblunder is done.

Anyway - vacation started yesterday - work only had me on the phone for 3/4 of the day.
I am supposed to be off for the rest of the year so as soon as the honey-do's and the 2 grandaughter's
cars are fixed I will have time for me and IW.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Still buried at work. Looks like it is going to continue for a while.
Has left me almost no spare time. By the end of the day I just want to sit
and do nothing. I am too old for this krap :)

One interesting thing I found out today - I am going to be a great-grandad. My oldest Grandaughter
told us she is expecting. So that makes me feel even older.

Thank goodness we have Larry Mc to keep things alive and moving.

Plan is still to finish the V3 and 64 bit compilers - hit a snag with the 64 bit converting
the ASM code to C++ - been slow going, 64 bit does not support in-line asm.
I am getting near completion - have all the other modules that do not use asm directived finished and
compiling in MD10.

Soooooo - I am still here and still working on stuff - just slowly.



Quote from: Rock Ridge Farm (Larry) on January 29, 2012, 04:47:24 PM
One interesting thing I found out today - I am going to be a great-grandad. My oldest Grandaughter
told us she is expecting. So that makes me feel even older.

You... We recently found out our 2ND great-grandkid is on the way. Our 1st will be 3 in a couple of weeks.
I'll save you a seat at the old folks home.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Still working 12 - 14 hr days so not much time.

Could be a good thing because this weekend I thought I would upgrade my router.
Bad Bad Bad - 3 trips to the store and bought/returned 3 new whiz-bang routers.
None would work with my VPN to work so I am back on the original.
As luck would have it my ISP tried a hardware upgrade at the same time I am dorking
with the router and it failed - that just added to my confused state.

So it was a wasted weekend.

Did get a clean bill of (eye) health last week from my retina Dr. - had to fix my detaching retina.
Now I can go ahead with the cataract surgery - getting old is really great.

So with work, eye crap, and my own dork ups I managed to get nothing done here for quite a while.

Thank goodness we have Larry Mc to keep things going.

Retirement in 1.5 years ( not that I am counting :)) then I hope to have some free time.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Had my first eye fixed yesterday (cataract) - almost can see but get a headache if I try to use the computer for long and work demands most of that time. Second eye in 2 weeks - it will be great to see again and actually be able to drive again. Had to stop driving about 3 month back because eyes had gotten so bad.

Still chip away at version 3 when I get a chance. Hope to make much more progress after eyes are done and work slows down.
Come on retirement - only a little over a year to go till wife lets me - I hope.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Still here - second eye done and all is well.
Had some health issues in the family but that seems to be OK now.
Work still consuming most of my time. This project is nearing the end - I am sooooo glad.

Over the last 2 weeks IW has had some off-line time while I worked with ISP to stop a serious hacking attempt.
Sorry if you experienced down time but we had to protect the site. As of today the ISP has put in a more robust
security setup. Hope to catch the bugger causing the issue.

The 32 bit V3 compiler is stable on my test box - 64 bit still giving me issues - had/have to convert lots of in-line assembly language as the MS10 compiler does not support in-line assembly in 64 bit mode. Any of you good with this type stuff - let me know.

Had discussions with Larry Mc about the new IDE. Hope you are as excited about the new IDE as I am.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

The project from hell continues:
I finished the first phase of a major project at work - now they gave me the rest of it to finish.
My company hired a bunch of off-shore contractors to do a job - they spent 8 months and did nothing - so they gave it to me to finish with a 2 month deadline. I finished the first phase last week now I have been given the second phase. No good deed goes unpunished.

I still will not have much free time till the end of the year but at least this week I have a little - I am going to try and address the biggest issues - so if you have something you feel needs attention right now - send me a PM.

I keep telling them I am old and want to retire - they do not listen very well, can not even get my replacement hired. 40+ years of Unix is hard to replace but it does not reflect in my paycheck :)


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Still alive and have not forgotten IW.
The colser I get to retirement the more work they give me.
I am too old for these 70 hr weeks.

Anyway there is a light at the end of the tunnel - wife says we can retire within the next year and a half or sooner depending on some external issues.

My appology to those who have been waiting for stuff from me - I have not forgotten - it is on my list.

Work only allowing me 1 week off this year for Christmas - usually take 3 to 4 weeks off this time of the year but the project from H*ll is still going on.

It is a bit of a job to link 4000+ computers around the world to a single signon and automated user administration system. About half way there at this time.

If the crap has worked out of the box it would be done and I would not be building custom code to support it.

Any way - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in case I do not get a chance to say so later :)

Thanks to Larry Mc for keeping us in the road.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Almost done with changes to parser for Larry Mc.
Once done I think iwb2.5 will be ready to go.

LarryMc and I have decided to release this version free to registered owners.
It has quite a few changes and LarryMc's IDE.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Got home Wed - been traveling most of April.
First thing I find is that the ISP is dropping support for MYSQL4 - this forum uses 4.
I now need to convert to MYSQL5 so you may see the forum down at times.
Not sure what I need to do yet so I will be researching it.

The closer I get to retirement the more work they give me.
