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TJCards Trial Version Now Available

Started by Tony, November 26, 2008, 02:31:35 AM

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November 26, 2008, 02:31:35 AM Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 08:48:33 AM by Tony
Hello all,

  The trial version of TJCards is now available. TJCards is a static library of card game routines that I wrote for my own Pyramid Solitaire. I'm releasing it as shareware for only $9.99. The trial package displays a shareware notice in any programs you use it in. Should you like what you see in the trial package, you can order the full version using the order information in the included help file and receive the registered version along with the complete source to Pyramid Solitaire and a complete set of card images to use in your own games!

  The demo is a very simple one, just showing a few features of the library. You'll need to supply your own card images as outlined in the Readme.txt included in order to recompile the demo.

  Any questions, feel free to ask here or via the contact information in the help file.

EDIT: As noted below, TJCards is now free, but if you register you will receive not only the complete Pyramid Solitaire source code and card images, but the TJCards library source code as well!

01/03/2009 - Uploaded a new version, that corrects a small naming error in the resource file.




The TJCard trial now includes a complete deck of playing cards, along with a better demo programming showing the drag and drop capabilities and other features of the card library. It also includes the Emergence Basic project file. To recompile the example, all you need to do is open the TJCardTest.ebp Project File in the EBasic IDE and hit the Rebuild Project button on the toolbar.

Hopefully, this update will provide you with a better idea of just how powerful TJCards is when it comes to writing your own card games. The full version is available for only $9.99 and includes a custom deck of cards, the complete source code to Pyramid Solitaire, technical support and free updates and no nag screens. Please see the help file for information on how to order.

The latest version can be downloaded in the first post of this thread.




Hi Tony,

looks like a nice library.

I was just playing with the demo to see how random the randomness was when I encounter a problem.
An error message from the OS would pop up on occasion upon shutting down the app.

Start the app and then use the "X" in the title bar to close the app.
After doing this 3 or 4 times an error messagebox would pop up.
Then the app would run ok again 3 or 4 more times before the error would show itself again.
Once it took 12 times of opening and closing before the error appeared; another time 30 tries.

Hope you can track it down.


Windows XP service pack 3


Hey Guilect,

  Thanks for the feedback. I've opened and closed the program 40+ times in a row and so far I haven't been able to reproduce it here on Windows Vista SP 1 Home Edition. I'll continue to see if I can find the problem you described. What was the error message you got when you closed the program?



Quote from: Guilect on November 28, 2008, 05:32:43 AM
Hi Tony,

looks like a nice library.

I was just playing with the demo to see how random the randomness was when I encounter a problem.
An error message from the OS would pop up on occasion upon shutting down the app.

Start the app and then use the "X" in the title bar to close the app.
After doing this 3 or 4 times an error messagebox would pop up.
Then the app would run ok again 3 or 4 more times before the error would show itself again.
Once it took 12 times of opening and closing before the error appeared; another time 30 tries.

Hope you can track it down.


Windows XP service pack 3


Thanks for the screenshot. I'll try to reproduce it here and track down the issue.


Hey Guilect,

  Would you mind downloading this zip file and running the test program inside to see if it still crashes on exit?





ran your new version ~ 40 times, no error on exiting.
Looks like you got it.



November 28, 2008, 04:59:28 PM #8 Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 05:04:01 PM by Tony
Hey Guilect,

  Excellent! Thanks so much for the feedback and for the testing. The problem was releted to deleting an invalid handle on program exit,

  The download in the first post has been updated to reflect the bug fix.

  Again, I appreciate your help.


Quote from: Guilect on November 28, 2008, 04:48:22 PM

ran your new version ~ 40 times, no error on exiting.
Looks like you got it.



For the remainder of the weekend you can purchase the TJCards library for only $7.99, a $2 savings over the regular price. Just enter coupon code 4X79-Y2JB-C3PQ during checkout to receive the discount. You will receive the registered version of the library, the source code to a full featured game, Pyramid Solitaire and the custom cards I designed for it, along with technical support and updates. This offer expires Monday, December 1st. To order visit Tiny FrogWare




December 07, 2008, 08:24:13 AM #10 Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 10:43:28 AM by Tony
After giving it much thought, I've decided to make a free version of TJCards available. You'll be able to use the free version, without any type of nag screens or other limits in your own programs. However, the free version will not include the source code to Pyramid Solitaire or any card images, just the library itself with a sample test program. 

Also, I have a component version of TJCards for Creative Basic. Actually it was written in IBasic Standard and I've only tested it with IB, but it should work with CB without any problems. I'll extend the same offer to the CB version as well, with the component being free.

EDIT: Strike the above statement. I've re-evaluated the decision to release a Creative Basic version (either free or registered), since I only use EBasic and I don't want to maintain two separate code bases. I simply don't have the time to do so.

There will still be a paid, registered version available for $9.99. The registered version will include not only the EB library (which is the same as the free version), but a complete set of card images, the Pyramid Solitaire source code and the library source code itself (both written in EB) so you can modify and adapt the routines to your own liking.

I want to give back to the community and I'm hoping the free version will be used by others to show off EB and of course encourage a little revenue for the registered version. ;) I'll upload the free version later today, both here and on my own site as well as update the registered package to include the library source code, which you can still order now via the ShareIt link on my site.



 The free version is now available for download in the first post of this thread or via the http://www.tinyfrogrware.com web site.

Have fun!




thanks for making a free version available.
Someday I hope to have the time to give it go.

The card game genre is not dead.
Fairway Solitare is a very popular product over at Big Fish Games :
Link Here

Along with Gun Slinger Solitare, also being sold at BFG :
Link Here


Hey Guilect,

  You're welcome. I hope you, along with everyone else enjoys it and gets some use out of it.

  Yes, the card game genre is alive and kicking. I'm familiar with Fairway Solitaire, but I've never played Gun Slinger so I'll have to check it out.

  I'm almost finished with my latest solitaire game, Baroness and hope to have it out soon. At first glance, people may think that coding a card game is easy, but it's just as much work as coding something like an arcade game. Anyway, I enjoy it and if I can help others make card games, then even better. :)




To celebrate the new year, from now though tomorrow, you can purchase the TJCards library for only $4.99...a 50% savings over the regular price of $9.99. To take advantage of this savings, just enter the coupon code: Happy New Year at the bottom of the checkout page.

To read more about TJCards and to place your order, please visit: http://www.tinyfrogware.com/prodTJCards.htm

Thanks and Happy New Year everyone!