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CBASIC exe's

Started by karazeh2006, October 07, 2008, 05:43:42 PM

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Please,Iam new to CBASIC , and would like to know

does the compiler produce machine-code exe's or byte-code executed by an interpreter

Thanks in Advance

Ionic Wind Support Team

Emergence BASIC and Aurora produce machine code.  Creative BASIC is an interpreter.

Paul Turley
Ionic Wind Software
Ionic Wind Support Team


Thanks For the Fast Reply


Yes currently CBasic works as an interpreter, and this does have some nice features for the program writer.

You can type some code - run it - modify the code - run it again - and so on .. which makes it easy to develop a program without constant re-compiling.  You only need to save the program when you are happy that your changes are working correctly.

However, some folk seem less than happy with interpretive code, and to this end, hopefully the next edition of Creative Basic will incorporate a compile to machine code as a final step once the program is complete.  This will give a little more execution speed and smaller exe files.  There will then be the best of both worlds - nice easy development in the interpretive mode - and finally a machine code compile for efficiency.

ETA for the next edition is uncertain due to Paul being extremely busy .. chewing ends of fingers ..  :)

best wishes,

Tomorrow may be too late ..