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Getting buttons to respond

Started by Andy, November 07, 2015, 06:30:18 AM

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I hope you all don't mind, but I was wondering what else I could do with the MouseOverControls.inc file I've written.

In one of my latest projects, I was performing live data tests on vehicles, one bug bare was that this was in a sub routine, and the "Stop" button was a little unresponsive depending on what the program was doing when you clicked it.

Maybe there is another way to "break out" of a sub routine that is "very busy" doing something?

So, I've posted this example of how I've used my include file to stop a For/Next loop.

This might be of interested to you.

P.S. - you can see I'm bored at the moment!

1. Click "Go" to start the loop.
2. Click "Exit" & wait - nothing happens until the For/Next is completed.
3. The program should then exit.

Now thry this:
1. Run the program again.
2. Click "Go" to start the loop.
3. Move the mouse over the "Stop" button.

You can repeat the last three steps if you want too.

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.