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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!


Started by TonyMUK, July 11, 2008, 04:17:03 AM

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Has anyone used TAPI in ebasic? I am trying to create a program that will receive a parameter of phone number and then dial that number through a PABX using TAPI. I have done it in VB but the declerations of TAPI and its functions are confusing me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out www.arnoldchiari.co.uk. If you don't know what Arnold Chiari is you are very lucky.


July 11, 2008, 07:57:21 AM #1 Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 02:52:51 PM by sapero
Install the SDK headers and start with this line :D$include "tapi.inc"
If you stuck somewhere, let us know.


Thanks for that. I'll give it a go.
Check out www.arnoldchiari.co.uk. If you don't know what Arnold Chiari is you are very lucky.


' Demo on how to use the phone dialer via API
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/mobilesdk5/html/mob5conTelephonyAPITAPI.asp
' Ibasic pro code
' before you can run this program you need to make an inport library for TAPI32.DLL
' (menu Tools, create import library. then select "TAPI32.DLL")

$USE "tapi32.lib"

DECLARE IMPORT, tapiRequestMakeCall(Dest:STRING,AppName:STRING,CalledParty:STRING,Comment:STRING), Int

DEF sPhoneNum,sTitle,sBuddy,sComment:STRING
sPhoneNum = "555-5555"
sTitle = "Personal Phone book"
sBuddy = "Pizza Palace"
sComment = "No Anchovies!"

' a return <> 0 indicates a failure
res = tapiRequestMakeCall(sPhoneNum, sTitle, sBuddy, sComment)

I really should learn how to use a spell checker! though im not sure how it will help someone who can not spell?
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I did it ;D

I have managed to create a program that accepts the phone number and then dials it.

If anyone is interested here it is.
Check out www.arnoldchiari.co.uk. If you don't know what Arnold Chiari is you are very lucky.


Thanks for sharing1



That's What life is all about  ;D
Check out www.arnoldchiari.co.uk. If you don't know what Arnold Chiari is you are very lucky.