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Dialog Tool and other

Started by krovit, May 28, 2008, 11:11:39 AM

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Hi, i'm italian user...

eBasic seems a good instrument. Thanks really!  :-* [ The kiss is for the ladies ..., for others, instead  ;) ]

I would want to know, however, if there is another Dialog Editor compatible with eBasic.

The functions of native tools are still too elementary. It would be useful to import power in the Dialog Editor a code already written.
Now you can not only importing basic code, but if this change and did not have with the interface Dialog you can not change it...

Sorry about my English ...  ::)


You can use ResEdit (freeware), but some API Skills required
Sorry for my bad english


May 28, 2008, 12:40:21 PM #2 Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 12:49:19 PM by Larry McCaughn
It's my understanding that you can indeed build dialogs and controls with ResEdit but I don't remember anything about it accepting EBasic code for the handler.  Maybe I just don't really know how to use it.  Seems like there isn't a help file.

I know there is someone in the forum who is working on a visual RAD IDE and they even posted a picture(but it's not viewable by general forum members).

That might eventually be what krovit is looking for.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


You can use dialogresource with all programminglanguage that supported resources. EBasic supports resources and have a resource-compiler.
The DialogBoxParam Api is required and a callback for messages. Is not much different than the messagehandler in ebasic

Sorry for my bad english


Thanks for the clarification, Thomas

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Back in 2002, a fellow named Ferdinand Schinkel created a program, VB2IB, that loads a Visual Basic .frm file and outputs IB Standard (Creative) source code.  I can't locate him, but feel sure he wouldn't mind somebody modifying his code for use with Emergence.

You could then use the Visual Basic designer to lay out forms for your Emergence and Creative projects.
Software For Metalworking


Michael, you had this useful tool and you've kept it for yourself during all this time!  >:(
LOL  :D thanks for sharing.

I saw that your new site is ready to receive visitors.
By the way is the voice introducing ME Consultant yours ?

Peter B.


QuoteBy the way is the voice introducing ME Consultant yours ?

Yes, unfortunately.  I'm no James Earl Jones.
Software For Metalworking


Quote from: mrainey on May 28, 2008, 03:14:28 PM
QuoteBy the way is the voice introducing ME Consultant yours ?

Yes, unfortunately.  I'm no James Earl Jones.

I dunno this guy, but nevermind as your voice does a neat Job ;)

Peter B.


Thanks you all for your answers  :-X

The question remains valid: If you have any news put on the forum.

Thanks Ts-Soft. ResEdit seems an interesting resource. But if I said that he understood how to install say a lie...

Very interesting also the conversion tool indicated by Michael Rainey.
Michael, your site had already visited by chance a few days ago: the world is really small.


Another thing...

According to you there is a way to use the Dialog Editor FbEdit for FreeBasic ?

It 'a tool not evil, but the code that creates seems incompatible with eBasic.

Indeed, without a tool capable of simply and quickly create graphical interface, is diffcile exploit eBasic as it deserves.


Quote from: krovit on May 28, 2008, 04:18:07 PM
According to you there is a way to use the Dialog Editor FbEdit for FreeBasic ?

It 'a tool not evil, but the code that creates seems incompatible with eBasic.
Is the same as ResEdit. The Author from FBEdit is the Author of ResEdit  ;)
Sorry for my bad english


Quote from: pistol350 on May 28, 2008, 03:21:38 PM
Quote from: mrainey on May 28, 2008, 03:14:28 PM
QuoteBy the way is the voice introducing ME Consultant yours ?

Yes, unfortunately.  I'm no James Earl Jones.

I dunno this guy...

James Earl Jones is probably being the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars movies.

He's been in a ton of movies  One's I like off the top of my head are:
"The Great White Hope" - he played the black heavyweight boxing champ, Jack Johnson
"Field of Dreams"- baseball field in a corn field in middle America.
"The Lion King"- the voice of Mufasa
"Clear and Present Danger " and "Patriot Games" and "The Hunt for Red October" - an admiral
"Coming to America" - The King and father of Eddie Murphy
"Conan the Barbarian"- the main bad guy

Sorry for the off topic.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


QuoteMichael, your site had already visited by chance a few days ago: the world is really small.

That's quite a coincidence.  Do you have a machining background?
Software For Metalworking


Just to lengthen the tail of the Offtopic Beast a little bit more ::)

Thank you Larry for the details.
your quotes really got me enthusiastic about learning more about James Earl Jones.
After googleing his name i obviously realized that i knew him, but not from his name.
He's really a gifted man.

Peter B.


MRainey, I do not understand what well you ask to meâ€Ã,¦ but to your I have visited your site truly for case.

I am not a business operator covered your software, I am sorry ...


Have a great day, krovit!   :)
Software For Metalworking