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Getting a strange error

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), April 16, 2008, 06:29:12 AM

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Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I just tried to compile the address book example.
I get one of those wonder full windows errors that says
Ebasic encountered a problem and needs to close.
I remembered some past post that said something about re-installing - did that and still get the same error.
Detail message:
Error signature
AppName ebparse.ese    AppVer1.6.1.0  ModName ebparse.ese
ModVer    Offset 0001afea

Did I miss an update or something?


Ionic Wind Support Team

Yes it has already been fixed.  I should be releasing a 1.62 beta/final this afternoon

Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Great - thought I had dorked up something.


Quote from: Paul Turley on April 16, 2008, 08:35:12 AM
Yes it has already been fixed.  I should be releasing a 1.62 beta/final this afternoon

You didn't and it doesn't really affect me that much.  Actually I'd rather wait till you're sure it's all fixed and you feel confident about it.  But it might be good PR on your part to let us know whats going on when something is late.


Ionic Wind Support Team

"should" implied that I wasn't 100% sure when I would have time to release it.  At least in my native tongue ;)

I had other work that needed my attention, work that pays the bills, and then I went to bed at 4AM.

As for confidence, yes it has been fixed for many days now, but there were a few other additions I was working on that I haven't had the chance to finish up with yet.  You have to remember that I use the compiler daily on a project with thousands of source files, none of which crashed the parser, it was only a couple of the sample programs:


The fix...smple, I turned off global optimization in VC++ 5.0 and the crash went away.  Something I have run into many times in my life with MS compilers, wrong code being generated when optimizations are turned on. 

Ionic Wind Support Team


How about a hotfix only update the fixed executables, that's a bit quicker.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)