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Numbers in Variable names in EBASIC?

Started by CodeTRUCKER, January 09, 2008, 05:50:39 PM

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I am getting a...

File: C:\Program Files\EBDev\projects\LogWatch.eba (120) syntax error - 11

when I try to use "11HrsLeft" as a variable.  What's going on?
Calvin Waterbury

Truth, unlike opinion, tradition, etc. will always be able to stand on its own.  Truth is not a static, but a living entity and will perpetually impart life; therefore, any "truth" that does not or can not impart life can not be Truth.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Users guide, variables can start with and underscore, or a letter.  They cannot begin with a number.
Ionic Wind Support Team


This is what's in my copy of the User Guide (I've installed v1.598).

"Variable names can be any identifier you choose as long as they do not conflict with any reserved word or constant."
Software For Metalworking


QuoteThis is what's in my copy of the User Guide (I've installed v1.598).
I also have the latest version installed

In the Language - Language Syntax Overview Section you'll find:

An identifier is a term used to describe a token, variable name, function name, command, or statement. Identifiers can start with an underscore symbol or a letter. Identifiers can be a maximum of 64 characters in length. An identifier cannot begin with a numeric but can contain any number of alphanumeric symbols after the initial symbol.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Thanks Larry,

I didn't follow up on the definition of the word "Identifier".
Software For Metalworking


I wouldn't have either but there have been so many times I've said I can't find something and Paul tells me "it's in the help file" that I went looking and found it.

It took me a while to find it.

Like I said, Paul has done that to me numerous times. ;)

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library