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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!


Started by maurice1, February 19, 2007, 12:02:24 AM

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Can any one advise. I downloaded Bevets Control Pack 1.6 (at http://www.codingmonkeys.com/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item25 ) which wants to install into an Ibasic Pro directory. I have a demo of Ibasic Pro only and it reports "Couldn't get IBpro directory!"

How can I install this?

Ionic Wind Support Team

This is an Emergence support forum, not an IBasic one. 

In any event command paks never worked with the demo version so you cannot use it. 

Ionic Wind Support Team


February 19, 2007, 12:22:59 AM #2 Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 12:25:41 AM by maurice1
Thanks for the quick reply. I had thought (incorrectly) that it is possible to use in Ebasic which I have a licence for. I actually wanted to access a standard calendar control which I am still looking for.

I should add I was looking at the Coding Monkeys web site section "Coding Monkeys > Forum > EBasic / IBasic PRO >" hence my question.

Ionic Wind Support Team

I have some code for calendar controls which I can dig up and convert to Emergence BASIC.  Emergence doesn't use 'paks' like IBasic did and internally they are different.


Ionic Wind Support Team


Quote from: Paul Turley on February 19, 2007, 12:30:21 AM
I have some code for calendar controls which I can dig up and convert to Emergence BASIC.  Emergence doesn't use 'paks' like IBasic did and internally they are different.

Thanks very much Paul!


Bevets Control Pack 1.6 works O.K. with current version of EBasic. Just change the folders where it should install itself. Be warned, however, that it may not work with future versions of EBasic.
