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FindOpen question

Started by Haim, October 06, 2006, 04:39:37 AM

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I am trying to create a file search program that when encountering a directory will recurse into it.
My question is: how can I tell if the first item found is a file or a directory, and what its name is.
(FindOpen returns a handle only but no name nor attributes?)
I understand how this can be done with FindNext, but I also need to do the same with FindOpen.

Please help.


Ionic Wind Support Team

FindOpen opens a directory.  FindNext retrieves the first and successive entries in that directory.  It also returns the file attributes of each entry which you can test to see if it is a directory:

Aurora example program
Shows all of the directory names on root of the C drive
Compile as a CONSOLE target

global sub main()
int dir,attrib;
string filename;

dir = FINDOPEN("c:\\*.*");
    DO {
        filename = FINDNEXT(dir,attrib);
IF( attrib & 0x10) print(filename);
} UNTIL filename = "";
    FINDCLOSE( dir );

print( "Press Any Key" );
while GetKey() = "";
return 0;


And this example recurses through all directories listing files and returning the total number of files on the drive.

//compile as console target.

global sub main()
int count;
//recursively print all directories
count = printdir("d:\\");
PRINT( count," Files" );
PRINT( "Press Any Key" );
while GetKey() == "";

SUB printdir(string path),int
int count = 0;
int dir,attrib;
dstring filename[260];
dstring fullname[260];
count = 0;
dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*.*");
filename = FINDNEXT(dir,attrib);
if len(filename)
if attrib & 0x10
if(filename <> ".") && (filename <> "..")
print( path + "[" + filename + "]" );
fullname = path + filename + "\\";
count = count + printdir(fullname);
print( path + filename );
//the exit case is when there are no more entries
//in the current directory
until filename = "";

return count;
Ionic Wind Support Team


lol, I did not know that FINDNEXT will get the first occurence.

How do I look for specific file names such as *.src etc?

Do I have to check for them within the internal [findope..findnext] loop?


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*.src");


dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*.src"); will not work if  we want to be able to recurse through the directory tree starting at path.

It seems that FINDOPEN  as implemented in Aurora looks for a directory and not a file. so any call to findopen should be with "*.*"

Still confused...


Ionic Wind Support Team

This example uses recursion and seaches for all files with a specific extension:

//compile as console target.

global sub main()
int count;
//recursively print all files containing a specific extension.
count = printdir("c:\\","");
PRINT( count," Files" );
PRINT( "Press Any Key" );
while GetKey() == "";

SUB printdir(string path,string ext),int
int count = 0;
int dir,attrib;
dstring filename[260];
dstring fullname[260];
count = 0;
dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*." + ext)
dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*.*");
filename = FINDNEXT(dir,attrib);
if len(filename)
if attrib & 0x10
if(filename <> ".") && (filename <> "..")
//print( path + "[" + filename + "]" );
fullname = path + filename + "\\";
count = count + printdir(fullname,"");
count = count + printdir(fullname,"src");
else if(len(ext))
print( path + filename );
//the exit case is when there are no more entries
//in the current directory
until filename = "";

return count;

There is a faster way to do this.  I will leave that up to you to figure out ;).  HINT: Use two subroutines.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

October 06, 2006, 10:25:21 AM #6 Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 10:27:35 AM by Paul Turley
Here is a better way:

//compile as console target.

global sub main()
int count;
//recursively print all files containing a specific extension.
count = printdir("c:\\","zip");
PRINT( count," Files" );
PRINT( "Press Any Key" );
while GetKey() == "";

SUB printdir(string path,string ext),int
int count = 0;
int dir,attrib;
dstring filename[260];
dstring fullname[260];
count += findfiles(path,ext); //print files matching extension.

dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*.*");
filename = FINDNEXT(dir,attrib);
if len(filename)
if attrib & 0x10
if(filename <> "." && filename <> "..")
fullname = path + filename + "\\";
count += printdir(fullname,ext); //recurse directories
//the exit case is when there are no more entries
//in the current directory
until filename = "";

return count;

SUB findfiles(string path,string ext),int
int count = 0;
int dir,attrib;
dstring filename[260];
count = 0;
dir = FINDOPEN(path + "*." + ext);
filename = FINDNEXT(dir,attrib);
if len(filename)
print( path + filename );
//the exit case is when there are no more entries
//in the current directory
until filename = "";

return count;

Ionic Wind Support Team


The second version works. (I did not get correct results with the first one)
I'll study this code.

Thanks to all who responded.
