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Beta Road Map

Started by W4GNS, February 10, 2014, 01:34:07 PM

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  Can someone point me to the IWBasic road map (thread) that the beta is taking? I looked through the  beta threads but did not find the end goal of the beta.

Gary Scott-W4GNS


I never posted one.
One goal was to change the source code from Visual C to IWB.
Then there's the new arrangement of the Project window.
Then the new form designer that addresses both dialogs and windows.
Then all the new tools built into the IDE.
Then the ability to add your own tools to the IDE Tool menu(same for help files).
Improved code folding and bookmarking.
Global and project 'todo list"
Improved "print preview" and coding printing.
More code editor options
More IDE general options
Improved Find-in-File features.
Ability to add more resource types to projects.
Currently, 270 additional pages in help file.
Ability to install and run from a memory stick

The reason it is still in beta is 3 fold
1.  I couldn't convert the debugger since I don't know 'C'.  Waiting on LarryS to convert it for me then I'll fold it into the IDE.
2. The compiler options feature requires modification to the parser/compiler and LarryS has to do that.
3. I have not finished the work on the Controls section of the help file(which is basically a rewrite).

Since you are now a registered owner of IWB2.x you can go to your customer page and download the beta and use it.

Hope that helps you a little.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library