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Newbie Question: Good Books for doc on Windows API's??? What is compiled into EB

Started by davjohnson, January 21, 2010, 08:14:26 PM

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Any suggestions for Good Books on WinAPI stuff?
Any Idea which DLL's are PreCompiled into EB, Which need to be Included?



I think that there is no precompiled dll-s in EBasic becose Emergence Basic is compiler.
You can load dll into EBasic and use include (header) files.


I believe I miss-spoke,  what I meant to say is that I believe that I read that some of the API files do not need to
specify the 'use' keyword to have access to the functions.  I could be wrong, or misunderstanding of what I was reading.
BTW the last version of BASIC I used a lot was Microsoft QuickBASIC v4.5.   These days, I am a bit of an expert with PL/SQL,  a very little Turbo Delphi, cmd file and ksh scripting.  I hoped to be able to pick up EBasic quickly, but I find it less like BASIC than I'd like, and I am having trouble integrating it with some of my database tools.

My needs are mostly for command line filter programs, and to create DLLS for PLSQL Developer Plugins.

I am trying to learn to use the windows api calls, and the book stores only seem to carry dot Net these days.  Does anybody know how close Paul was to releasing the dot Net version of E-Basic?  Oh well, I guess we should all hope he makes a good recovery, and has a good healthy future.  The man sure is a genius with all that he has been able to do.

I know I would never have had the energy or the patience to do what he accomplished with E-Basic, and Aurora as far as that goes.


Quote from: aurelCB on January 22, 2010, 12:16:47 AM
I think that there is no precompiled dll-s in EBasic becose Emergence Basic is compiler.
You can load dll into EBasic and use include (header) files.


for windows API, i use msdn  following 'C' syntax and using sapero windows incudes.

you maybe better asking direct question on what you are trying to achieve along with code examples.
I really should learn how to use a spell checker! though im not sure how it will help someone who can not spell?
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I use the downloadable version of API Guide (available here) along with APIViewer (available here)

The samples in APIGuide are VisualBasic, however, they are usually easily converted to Emergence Basic, and the documentation for all the API is there.

APIViewer has all the constants, UDTs and declares, and I believe it has a plug-in for IBasic, which is pretty close to EBasic, but, again, its all easily converted.


Yes Zero is right ,both programs are great and very simple for use. ;)


You may be interested in Charles Petzold's book:

Programming Windows is a tutorial for programmers wishing to write applications for
Windows using the C programming language and the native Win32 application programming
interface (API). Programs written using this book run under every version of Windows
from Windows 95 through Windows XP and beyond. Knowledge of C is required.

Although you should know C to read it, it should be easily translated to Ebasic.  If you have
trouble, there are lots of people here who can help.